NAVITEL ® - is a leading navigation solution provider for automotive navigation industries, specialized in development and production of satellite navigation software and cartography. Navitel Navigator is multi-platform multilingual navigation, running on
Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone, iPad, Bada, Java, Windows CE platforms with outstanding 3D graphics and real-time traffic service. We provide the latest and the most accurate digital navigation maps of Russia, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

For WinMobile, Android, Symbian, bada OS. “Navitel Navigator” with detailed map of Central America.
Navitel Navigator“— unique and precise navigation system for smartphones and PDA, supplied with GLONASS/GPS-receiver with aspecial set ofmaps. Navigational system
“Navitel Navigator.Central America” includes detailed navigation maps ofcities and municipalities of
7 Central American countries with street names, house numbers, metro stations, gas stations, restaurants, location offorests,lakes, rivers and other important and useful information. Among other functions,when approaching the place of attention (
SPEEDCAM), Navitel will warn you and offer to reduce the speed.
Detailed navigation “Navitel Navigator” cities maps include residential and industrial city infrastructure to search buildings bycurrent post address, even inthe private sector.
Package includes maps ofthe following countries:
Belize, Costa Rica, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama. Navitel Navigator Features:“Navitel.Traffic” isafree service. All Navitel Navigator users automatically inform server about street traffic, ifthe service isactivated. Your speed isanonymously sent tothe analytics server, where the data isbeing collected and processed. The server sends backwards collected traffic information, soyou can see colored lines onmap and device can create anoptimal route using traffic jams information.
"Search“service— finds everything!
Search engine can use different address types (which includes double addressing, housings, etc.) With the exact destination Navitel Navigator can find itonthe map easily, and the hint search system (T9-like) will help you tofind street names faster and easier.
“Routes”. Creating routes inacity and inacountry isone ofthe main functions ofthe navigation system. Navitel Navigator automatically creates optimal route and allows you toset itasyou want.
“SPEEDCAM”. More and more speed control cameras are installed atthe dangerous road sections. Towarn driver about it, we created special notification system. Withit, driver can notice dangerous road section inadvance and slow down the speed. The speedcam database constantly updates byour cartographers and community. Speedcams file contains information about speed control cameras, dangerous intersection, speed bumps and railway crossings.
“Navitel.SMS”. Free service. Itallows you tosend SMS with your coordinates. The recipient’s Navitel Navigator software can show recieved coordinates onmap and create aroute toit.
Dynamic POI”. The service provides exhaustive and actual information about different types ofPOIon the country map, including information about gas prices onpetrol stations, actual showtimes atcinemas, detailed information about cafes and restaurants, including special offers and telephone numbers for bookings, etc.
"Navitel.Events“— anew free interactive service allows users tofix and see onthe map other users marks ofthe various types ofroad events, such asroad accidents, car crashes, roadworks, speed cameras and other warnings.
Navitel.Weather service shows weather forecast for 3 days for any place in the Earth.
Navitel.Friends is an interactive service which provides an opportunity to see your friends’ location on the map, chat or make a route to meet them.
Different map search types:
- Nearest object inspecified radius;
- Municipalities and objects, located intown (bytype and name);
- Address search;
- Waypoint search;
- Last results search.
- Road crossings search.
More features:
- Voice guidance while driving onthe route;
- Speed and direction;
- Coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude);
- Automatic time zone selection;
- Odometer, time while driving, average, minimum and maximum speed;
- Track and waypoint record;
- Track import/export;
- Route import/export;
- Direction tothe end point and approximate arriving time;
- Finger-friendly interface (large virtual buttons for touchscreen devices);
- Voice guidance;
- Many voice hints packages included, alot ofadditional packages;
- Russian, English, Spanish, Turkish and other interfaces;
- Automatic GPS/GLONASS receiver setting: you don’t need toselect COM-ports and protocols;
- Automatic Bluetooth on/off while connecting external GPS/GLONASS receiver;
- Different skins.
Download Navitel Navigator. Central America